Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Alphabetical Index: Speaker Index:

[Info] MacDonald Morgan, Leslie J. »'From Saints to Playboys': Images of Women in the Early Christian Hagiographic Tradition.« Canadian Society of Church History 1987 Annual Meeting. Hamilton 1987.

[Info] MacFarlane, Samantha. »An 'Unhappy Story of Marital Tyranny': Marital Rape and Bodily Autonomy in Emily Pfeiffer's The Rhyme of the Lady of the Rock, and How It GrewThe Boy and the Page in Victorian Culture. Victoria 2018.

[Info] MacKenzie, Megan, int. »Good Soldiers Don't Rape: The Stories We Tell About Military Sexual Violence.« New Books in Sociology. New Books Network 2023.

[Info] MacManus, Viviana B. »Sexual Necropolitics and Resistance during Argentina's "Dirty War".« 38th Annual Meeting of the National Women's Studies Association. Atlanta 2018.

[Info] Macpherson, Sandra, chair. »Theorizing the New Rape Studies.« 2019 MLA Annual Convention. Chicago 2019.

[Info] Madden, Kelsey. »Identifying the Traffic of Captive Women in Roman Conquest Iconography: A Multidisciplinary Approach.« Ancient Rape Cultures: Greek, Roman, Jewish, Christian: International Conference Rome 2022.

[Info] Madden, Mollie. »Murders, Rapists, and Thieves: The Criminal Elements of the Black Prince's Army, 1355-56.« 48th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 2013.

[Info] Magalhães, José M., et al., org. Rape in Antiquity: 20 years on. London 2017.

[Info] Magdalene, F. Rachel. »Rape by Testimony, Murder by Trial: Gender and Abuse of Judicial Authority in Susanna's Story.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. San Antonio 2004.

[Info] Mahaffy, Caitlin. »Coy Consent(?): Reading Rape in Early Modern English Poetry.« Indiana University Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference. Bloomington 2019.

[Info] Mahar, Anne, et al. »The Role of Film and Television in the Perpetuation of Rape Myths: A Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Content Analysis.« 73rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Philadelphia 2017.

[Info] Mahar, Anne, et al. »The Role of Television in the Perpetuation of Rape Myths: A Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Content Analysis .« 74th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Atlanta 2018.

[Info] Mailänder, Elissa. »The Wehrmacht's Culture of Sexual Violence and Rape: The Interpretation of a Soldier's Photograph.« Cultures of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflicts. London 2014.

[Info] Mailänder Koslov, Elissa. »The Aesthetization and Sexualization of Nazi Violence in US and Italian Camp Atrocity Movies (1969-1979).« 11th Biennial Lessons and Legacies Conference. Boca Raton 2010.

[Info] Mailänder-Koslov, Elissa. »Sexual Violence in Concentration Camps - Outside the Brothels.« Sexual Violence in World War II. Bonn 2010.

[Info] Majerus, Benoît , et al. »Occupation et violences sexuelles en Europe (1914-1945).« Les violences sexuelles: approches historiques (XVIe-XXIe siècle) - Sexuelle Gewalt und Geschichtswissenschaft (16.-21. Jahrhundert). Paris 2008.

[Info] Majstorovic, Vojin. »Sexual Violence in Soviet-Occupied Europe and Attitudes toward Women in the Red Army, 1944-1945.« 51st Annual Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies. San Francisco 2019.

[Info] Mancuso, Sabrina. »Κερκίδος φωνή: Philomela and the Use of the Shuttle in Sophocles ' TereusThe Classical Association Annual Conference. Leicester 2018.

[Info] Mandell, Laura. »The Business of Courtship from Love to Rape: Thomas Otway's The OrphanAnnual Meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. Seattle 1992.

[Info] Manning, Amy L. »"It Wasn't Rape, after all": Traumatic Haunting in Hisaye Yamamoto's 'The High-heeled Shoes.« 38th Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association. Baltimore 2007.

[Info] Manjoo, Rashida. »Sexual Violence in War and Peace.« »Against Our Will«-Forty Years After: Exploring the Field of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict. Hamburg 2015.

[Info] Marchante-Aragon, Lucas A. »Conquered and Raped: The Discourse and Rituals of Sexual Domination in the Hapsburg Empire.« Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America. New York 2004.

[Info] Mark, James. »Rape, 'Liberation' and the Red Army in Hungary.« Sexual Histories: Bodies and Desires Uncovered. Exeter 2007.

[Info] Marks, Catherine. »The Power of Dreams: Sexual Violence in Frantz Fanon's 'Algeria Unveiled' and Buchi Emecheta's The Joys of MotherhoodWomen Writing Rape: Literary and Theoretical Narratives of Sexual Violence. Warwick 2007.

[Info] Marqués López, Isabel. »Whispering Out Loud: Rape Memoirs and the Politics of Silence in Myriam Gurba's Mean (2017).« 5th Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association. Boston 2024.

[Info] Marsden, Jean. »The Rhetoric of Voyeurism: Spectacles of Attempted Rape.« Annual Meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. Pittsburgh 1991.

[Info] Martin, Jean-Clément. »Violences sexuelles dans les guerres civiles de la Révolution française, des violences traditionnelles et opportunistes?.« Les violences sexuelles: approches historiques (XVIe-XXIe sièle) - Sexuelle Gewalt und Geschichtswissenschaft (16.-21. Jahrhundert). Paris 2008.

[Info] Massino, Jill, int. Gender, Pleasure, and Violence. The Construction of Expert Knowledge of Sexuality in Poland. New Books in Eastern European Studies. New Books Network 2021.

[Info] Menard, Kim S., et al. »Context and Time Matter: A Multi-Year (1999-2014). Multi-Data Set Analysis of Child Sexual Abuse Case Processing from Pennsylvania Counties.« 74th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Atlanta 2018.

[Info] Martinez, Andrea. »Marriage, Terror, and Slavery in Daniel Deronda17th Annual Conference of the North American Victorian Studies Association. Columbus 2019.

[Info] Martorana, Simona. »Re-Enacting Rape: Medusa in Ovid's MetamorphosesAncient Rape Cultures: Greek, Roman, Jewish, Christian: International Conference Rome 2022.

[Info] Marturano, Melissa K. »Rapes in Ovid's Metamorphoses: Victim-Precipitation, Victim-Blaming, and Juno.« Fall 2011 Meeting of the Classical Association of the Atlantic States. Baltimore 2011.

[Info] Marturano, Melissa K. »Kalypso and Odysseus: Coercion, Rape and Sexual Violence.« Fall 2013 Meeting of the Classical Association of the Atlantic States. Philadelphia 2013.

[Info] Marturano, Melissa K. »Sororophobia in Ovid's corpus: Blame, punishment, and violence.« Rape in Antiquity: 20 years on. London 2017.

[Info] Masséglia, Jane, chair. »Rape Narratives.« The Classical Association Annual Conference. Leicester 2018.

[Info] Mathijs, Ernest. »Rape and Religion (But No Nuns): The European Marketing and Reception of Belgian Horror Cinema.« European Nightmares: An International Conference on European Horror Cinema. Manchester 2006.

[Info] Matkowska, Justyna. »The Plight of Roma and Sinti Women: Sexual Violence during World War II in Occupied Poland.« UniRomnja. Berlin 2023.

[Info] Matsumoto, Noriko. »The Past of Others: Korean Memorials in a New York Suburb.« XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology. Yokohama 2014.

[Info] Matter, Sonja. »Adoleszente Mädchen und die strafrechtlichen Bestimmungen zum Schutzalter (1950-1980).« 4es Journées suisses d'histoire. Lausanne 2016.

[Info] Maturu, Milly E. »A Contextual Analysis of the Sarai-Hagar Conflict from an African Perspective.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. San Diego 2024.

[Info] Matz, Alicia. »Rape, Apotheosis and Politics in Metamorphoses 14 and 15.« Fall 2016 Meeting of the Classical Association of the Atlantic States. New Brunswick 2016.

[Info] Matz, Alicia. »Rape, apotheosis, and politics in Metamorphoses 14 and 15.« Rape in Antiquity: 20 years on. London 2017.

[Info] Maxwell, Drew. »"In women vinolent is no defence, This knowen lecchours by experience": The Wife of Bath and Rape Culture.« 53rd International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 2018.

[Info] McAdams, Alexander L. »Enraptured: Reading Ovidian Sexual Violence in Early Modern Literature.« Our Voices: A Conference for Inclusive Classics Pedagogy. New York 2020.

[Info] McAlpin, Mary. »Diderot: Rape in Paradise.« 48th ASECS Annual Meeting. Minneapolis 2017.

[Info] McAlpin, Mary. »Reading Rape in Riccoboni.« 46th Meeting of the Southeastern American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. Macon 2020.

[Info] McCann, Fiona. »Writing Rape and Torture: Dissolution, Dismemberment and Resistance in Yvonne Vera's The Stone Virgins and Zoe Wicomb's David's StoryWomen Writing Rape: Literary and Theoretical Narratives of Sexual Violence. Warwick 2007.

[Info] McClive, Cathy. »Gender, Sexual Violence, and Murder in the Claudine Rouge Affair, 1767.« 'Do No Harm': Researching the Pasts, Present, and Futures of Sexual Violence. London 2023.

[Info] McConnell, Thomas. »Rape, seduction, and New Comedy: A re-examination of the evidence of Menander's SamiaRape in Antiquity: 20 years on. London 2017.

[Info] McCoy, Marsha. »Sex and Violence in Petronius' Satyrica136th Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association. Boston 2005.

[Info] McDonald, Rick. »Violence and Spectacle in The Reeve's Tale: Rape the women; beat the man.« 40th Annual Conference of the Southeastern Medieval Association. Atlanta 2014.

[Info] McFall, Kelly. »Genocide Lives in US: Women, Memory and Silence in Rwanda.« New Books in Genocide Studies. New Books Network 2013.

[Info] McFall, Kelly, et al. »Rape: Weapon of War and Genocide.« New Books in Genocide Studies. New Books Network 2013.

[Info] McFall, Kelly, et al. »Roundtable: What Do We Now Know About the Rwandan Genocide Twenty Years On?« New Books in Genocide Studies. New Books Network 2014.

[Info] McFall, Kelly, et al. »Ravensbruck: Life and Death in Hitler's Concentration Camp for Women.« New Books in Genocide Studies. New Books Network 2015.

[Info] McFarland, Ashley. »Naked Fury and Weaponized Shame, the Meira Paibi Story.« Annual Meeting of the National Women's Studies Association. San Francisco 2019.

[Info] McGinity, Adelaide. »Feminism Russian Style? Violence, rape and feminism in Angelina Nikonova's Twilight Portrait (2011).« Film-Philosophy Conference 2018. Gothenburg 2018.

[Info] McGinnis, Rachel. »An Analysis of the ICC's Current Gender Neutral Definition and the Possible Implications on Male Survivors of Sexual Violence.« War and Sexual Violence. New York 2016.

[Info] McGowan-Doyle, Valerie. »Violence against Women and the Old English in Later Sixteenth-Century Ireland.« Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America. Berlin 2015.

[Info] McGregor, Katherine. »Mardiyem and Joint Japanese Indonesian Activism for Indonesian Survivors of the System of Enforced Japanese Military Prostitution during the Pacific War.« 17th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Genders and Sexualities. Hempstead 2017.

[Info] McGuirre, Danielle. »At the Dark End of the Street: Sexual Violence, Community Mobilization and the African American Freedom Struggle.« Lecture / University of Wisconsin. Madison 2011.

[Info] McGuirre, Danielle, int. »Rape and the Civil Rights Movement.« The Remedial Herstory Podcast The Remedial Herstory Project 2020.

[Info] McHardy, Fiona, et al. »How to teach sensitive subjects in the Classics classroom.« The Classical Association Annual Conference. Reading 2013.

[Info] McLaughlin, Grainne. »Reading Divine Rape: Penetrative Praise in Pindar.« 134th Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association. New Orleans 2003.

[Info] McLemore, Emily. »On Rape & Reform: What the Wife of Bath Still Has to Teach Us.« 35th Annual Meeting of the Illinois Medieval Association. Chicago 2018.

[Info] McLemore, Emily. »Feminist Caricature, Comical Rape, and the Illustrated Wyf of Bathe: A Liberated Woman's Great Story!55th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 2020.

[Info] McLemore, Emily. »Feminist Caricature, Comical Rape, and the Illustrated Wyf of Bathe: A Liberated Woman's Great Story!56th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Virtual 2021.

[Info] McMahon-Howard, Jennifer. »A Comprehensive Analysis of the Spread of Rape Law Reforms in the United States.« 61st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Philadelphia 2009.

[Info] McNamara, Celeste. »Illicit Sex in Early Modern Venice.« Annual Meeting of the Society for Italian Historical Studies. New York 2020.

[Info] McPhee, Brian. »Rape Apologetics and Normalization in Callimachus' Acontius and Cydippe (frr.67-75 Pf.).« Ancient Rape Cultures: Greek, Roman, Jewish, Christian: International Conference Rome 2022.

[Info] Mechelke, J.D.R. »Providing a Disorienting Dilemma: Possibilities for Genesis 34 in Church Comprehensive Sexuality Education with Youth.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Denver 2018.

[Info] Meek, Michele. »Seduction or Rape: Sexual Struggles in Teen Films.« 59th Annual Conference of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies. Toronto 2018.

[Info] Meier, Marietta, et al., int. »Sexueller Missbrauch in der katholischen Kirche der Schweiz.« Tagesgespräch. Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen 2023.

[Info] Meintjes, Sheila, et al. »Women: one chapter in the history of South Africa? A critique of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report.« The TRC: Commissioning the Past. Johannesburg 1999.

[Info] Meiri, Sandra. »Manifestations of "Sexualized Violence" in the Holocaust in Contemporary Cinema: Stalags and Burning Mooki.« The Horrors of Trauma: Violence, Reenactment, Nation, and Film. Beer-Sheva 2012.

[Info] Meiri, Sandra. »Sexualised Violence in the Holocaust: Lina and Slava Chaplin's Burning MookiThe Second Annual London Film and Media Conference. London 2012.

[Info] Meiri, Sandra. »The Controversy of Sexual Violence in the Holocaust.« 2nd Annual Conference on Israel Studies. London 2013.

[Info] Meiri, Sandra. »The Power of Transference: Stalags and the Aftermath of Sexual Violence during the Holocaust.« 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies. Chicago 2013.

[Info] Meiri, Sandra. »The Ethical Function of Representing Sexualised Violence against Women during the Holocaust in Israeli Narrative Cinema.« 5th Annual Conference on Israel Studies. London 2016.

[Info] Melber, Takuma, et al. »"Es geht darum, das Gesicht zu wahren": Koreanisch-japanischer Streit um "Trostfrauen".« Fazit. Deutschlandfunk Kultur 2021.

[Info] Melcher, Miranda, int. »Good Soldiers Don't Rape: The Stories We Tell About Military Sexual Violence.« New Books in Sociology. New Books Network 2023.

[Info] Melcher, Miranda, int. »Libertine London: Sex in the Eighteenth-Century Metropolis.« New Books in Sex, Sexuality, and Sex Work. New Books Network 2024.

[Info] Mellin, Cali. »Can I Speak Plainer? Consent, Refusal, and Rape Culture in Jane Austen.« Conference of the Midwestern American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. Sioux Falls 2018.

[Info] Melzer, Patricia. »Sexual Violence, Masculinity and Radical Left Politics in (West) Germany.« Forty-Third Conference of the German Studies Association. San Diego 2019.

[Info] Menard, Kim S., et al. »Context and Time Matter: A Multi-Year (1999-2014).Multi-Data Set Analysis of Child Sexual Abuse Case Processing from Pennsylvania Counties.« 74th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Atlanta 2018.

[Info] Menzies, Jean Z. »Demosthenes' Nightingale: Understanding Demosthenes' Use of the Procne and Philomela Myth Within the Context of Athenian Attitudes Towards Sexual Assault.« The Classical Association Annual Conference. Leicester 2018.

[Info] Merritt, Leland. »The Monsters Within: Rape and Revenge in Genesis 34.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. San Diego 2019.

[Info] Merritt, Leland. »The Monsters Within: Rape and Revenge in Genesis 34.« Of Gods and Monsters. San Marcos 2019.

[Info] Meyer, Leisa, et al. »Gender and Conflict: A New Journal, New Questions.« 17th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Genders and Sexualities. Hempstead 2017.

[Info] Miamidian, Marie, et al. »The Role of Television in the Perpetuation of Rape Myths: A Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Content Analysis .« 74th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Atlanta 2018.

[Info] Mibenge, Chiseche. »Witnesses of Sexual Violence in Rwanda and Sierra Leone and International Law.« »Against Our Will«-Forty Years After: Exploring the Field of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict. Hamburg 2015.

[Info] Michals, Debra, chair. »Silencing and Erasure in North America: Comparative Histories of Violence against Women and Children, 19th–21st Century.« 117th OAH Conference on American History. New Orleans 2024.

[Info] Miertsch, Martin, et al. »Methodological specifics of participative research on Children Born of War in the European historical context: An investigation and comparison of German, Austrian and Norwegian Children of World War II.« Interdisciplinary perspectives on Children Born of War - from World War II to current conflict settings. Hannover 2015.

[Info] Mihaila, Alexandru. »Raping the "Justice": Another Reading of Gen 34.« International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Amsterdams 2012.

[Info] Milanesio, Natalia. »Argentine Feminists against Sexual Violence in theReturn to Democracy (1983-1990).« 'Do No Harm': Researching the Pasts, Present, and Futures of Sexual Violence. London 2023.

[Info] Miller, April. »Feminist Plasticity: Surgical Horror, Body Modification, and the Medicalization of Rape-Revenge Narratives.« 59th Annual Conference of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies. Toronto 2018.

[Info] Miller, April. »Cuts Like a Knife: The "Excesses" of Feminism and #MeToo's Influence on the Rape-Revenge Film.« Annual Meeting of the National Women's Studies Association. San Francisco 2019.

[Info] Miller, April. »Cuts Like a Knife: The 'Excesses' of Feminism and #MeToo's Influence on the Rape-Revenge Film.« 61st Annual Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference. Denver 2020.

[Info] Miller, April. »Depicting Rape, Revenge, and In/Justice in Jennifer Kent's The Nightingale and Warwick Thornton's Sweet Country.« Annual Conference of the Society for Cinema & Media Studies . Denver 2023.

[Info] Miller, Mary E. »Smashing Stereotypes in Popular Media: A Comparison of Gender Roles in Intemate Partner Violence as Shown in Law and Order SVU.« 75th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. San Francisco 2019.

[Info] Mills, Kristen. »"Better the thrust of knees and elbows, / by Mary, than long buying of mead": Alcohol, Consent, and Rape Culture in Late Medieval Wales.« 53rd International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 2018.

[Info] Milutin, Otilia. »Murasaki Shikibu Goes Pop: Calling on a Heian Woman Writer in Japan’s Contemporary Media.« Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies. Seattle 2024.

[Info] Mischowski, Gabriela. »Justitias Mühlen mahlen langsam": Die Internationale Strafverfolgung geschlechtsbezogener sexualisierter Kriegsgewalt seit Nürnberg.« 60 Jahre nach Nürnberg: Der Kampf gegen die Straflosigkeit vor neuen Herausforderungen. Nuremberg 2006.

[Info] Mischowski, Gabriela. »Geschichte, Probleme und Zwickmühlen der internationalen Strafverfolgung sexualisierter Kriegsgewalt.« Zwangsprostitution und Krieg im 20. und beginnenden 21. Jahrhundert. Fürstenberg/Havel 2007.

[Info] Mischowski, Gabriela. »Rape Narratives before the International Criminal Court for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and beyond the Legal Frame.« The Perpetration of Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones: Sources of Explanation. Hamburg 2010.

[Info] Mischowski, Gabriela. »Between Analysis and Politics.« Sexual Violence in Armed Conflicts: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Paris 2012.

[Info] Mistry, Jyoti. »Setting the Limits: Rape as Political Crisis in South Africa.« Women's Bodies as Battlefields - Sexual Violence against Women in Wartime. Hamburg 2001.

[Info] Mitchell, James G. »The Language of Casual Sexual Violence on TV: Evidence from Laverne and Shirley.« 49th Annual Meeting of the Popular Culture Association / American Culture Association. Washington, D.C. 2019.

[Info] Mitchell-Eaton, Emily. »Sex, Violence, and the (Un)Spoken Word: Pacific Islander Feminist Poetry.« Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association. Honolulu 2019.

[Info] Moazeni, Sarah. »A Holy Kind of Violence': Rape, Consent, and Seventeenth-Century Puritan Religion.« 17th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Genders and Sexualities. Hempstead 2017.

[Info] Moler Ford, Chelsey. »'I was never soabsent in my life': Sexual Trauma and Unnarration in Pamela51st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. St. Louis 2020.

[Info] Moler Ford, Chelsey. »'I was never soabsent in my life': Sexual Trauma and Unnarration in Pamela51st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. Virtual 2021.

[Info] Molina, #0193;lvaro. »Mortal Dangers: Picturing Desire in Cervantes and Almodóvar.« 56th Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America. Venice 2010.

[Info] Mondot, Marina C. »Totalitarianism and Total War: Sexual Trauma in WWII Europe.« 10th Annual Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Student Conference. Redlands 2018.

[Info] Montgomery, Gael. »Tasso's reaction against sexual violence.« 57th Annual Meeting of Renaissance Society of America. Montreal 2011.

[Info] Mookherjee, Nayanika. »The womb and the absent skin: Sexual violence in the Bangladesh war and its gendered and racialised inscriptions.« Les viols en temps de guerre: une histoire à écrire - Rape in Wartime: A History to be Written. Paris 2009.

[Info] Mookherjee, Nayanika. »Sensing Violent, Haunted Pasts: 'Feeling' the Raped Woman of the Bangladesh War of 1971.« 30th Annual Spring Symposium of the Center for South Asian Studies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Honolulu 2013.

[Info] Mookherjee, Nayanika. »'Forced Pregnancy', Access to Reproductive Rights and its Bio-Political Modalities.« Lecture / University of York. Heslington 2014.

[Info] Mookherjee, Nayanika. »The Genital Inspection of Men during the Bangladesh Liberation War: On the History of a Picture.« »Against Our Will«-Forty Years After: Exploring the Field of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict. Hamburg 2015.

[Info] Mookherjee, Nayanika. »The Spectral Wound: Sexual violence, public memories and the Bangladesh war of 1971.« Lecture / London School of Economics and Political Science. London 2016.

[Info] Mookherjee, Nayanika. »The Spectral Wound: Sexual Violence, Public Memories and the Bangladesh War of 1971.« Book Launch / South Asia at the New York University. New York 2016.

[Info] Mookherjee, Nayanika, et al. »Sexual violence in the Bangladeshi War of Independence.« Thinking Allowed. British Broadcasting Corporation 2017.

[Info] Morag, Raya. »New Cambodian Cinema, Gendercide, Genocidal Forced Marriage and Rape.« 7th Annual International Conference on Genocide. Virtual 2020.

[Info] Morse, Holly. »Seeing Hidden Crimes: Visual Art as Witness to Violence against Biblical Women.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. San Antonio 2023.

[Info] Morse, Jaimie N., et al. »The Shifting Discourses of Sexual Violence within Human Rights Advocacy in Turkey since the 1980s.« 89th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society. Boston 2019.

[Info] Moss, Carina. »Language of Sex(ual Violence) in the Theogony and the Catalogue of Women114th Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Albuquerque 2018.

[Info] Mudie, Lucy. »Blurred Lines: The Rape Culture of Ovid's Ars AmatoriaAncient Rape Cultures: Greek, Roman, Jewish, Christian: International Conference Rome 2022.

[Info] Muellner, Ilse. »Frightening Continuities: Reading Stories on Sexual Violence in the Book of Samuel Today.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Virtual 2020.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Sexual Violence in Germany 1945: Discourses of National Victimization and Individual Memories of Rape Victims.« Women's Bodies as Battlefields - Sexual Violence against Women in Wartime. Hamburg 2001.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Narrative Strategien im Umgang mit den Massenvergewaltigungen in Berlin 1945.« Nach-Kriegserfahrungen: Frauen und Männer, 1945-1949. Berlin 2002.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Vergewaltigung und sexuelle Versklavung in der Internationalen Strafgerichtsbarkeit.« Militär und Geschlecht im Wandel. Hamburg 2003.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Wehrmacht und sexuelle Gewalt.« Verbrechen der Wehrmacht: Dimensionen des Vernichtungskrieges 1941-1944. Neumünster 2003.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Sex inbesitznehmende Gewalt im Zweiten Weltkrieg: Auf der Suche nach Geschichten.« Zeit zu sprechen. 60 Jahre nach Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges: Sexualisierte Gewalt als Kriegserfahrung von Frauen damals und heute. Bonn 2005.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Sex inbesitznehmende Gewalt durch Wehrmacht, SS und Polizei.« Lecture / Internationales Begegnungszentrum Friedenshaus. Bielefeld 2006.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »"Wie jedes Gewehr oder jede Granate dient Vergewaltigung einem bestimmten militärischen Zweck...": Zur Systematik sexueller Gewalt in Kriegen.« Frauen aus aller Welt. Dresden 2006.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Die Bedingungen des Sprechens: Erzählungen von Frauen, die sexuelle Versklavung überlebt haben.« Zwangsprostitution und Krieg im 20. und beginnenden 21. Jahrhundert. Fürstenberg/Havel 2007.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Coerced Undressing, Sexual Torture, Rape and Sexual Enslavement: Different Forms of Sexual Violence during the German War and Occupation in the Soviet Union (1941-1945).« Les viols en temps de guerre: une histoire à écrire - Rape in Wartime: A History to be Written. Paris 2009.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Alltägliches Verbrechen im Ausnahmezustand? Sexuelle Gewalt im Krieg und Sex-Zwangsarbeit in NS-Konzentrationslagern.« Lecture / Fritz Bauer Institut. Frankfurt/Main 2010.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Did the German Army have "Comfort Women"? Sexual Violence by German Soldiers during the War of Annihilation in the Soviet Union.« Lecture / Women's Active Museum for War and Peace. Tokyo 2010.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Eroberungen: Sexuelle Gewalttaten und intime Beziehungen deutscher Soldaten in der Sowjetunion 1941-1945.« Lecture / Universität Hamburg. Hamburg 2010.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Gemeinschaft, Sexualität, Gewalt: Männlichkeitsbilder deutscher Soldaten an der Front und in den besetzten Gebieten der Sowjetunion 1941-1945.« Männlichkeitskonstruktionen im Nationalsozialismus und deren Reflexion und Rekonstruktion in der Gedenkstättenpraxis. Fürstenberg/Havel 2010.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Krieg und Geschlecht: Sexuelle Gewalt im Krieg und Sex-Zwangsarbeit in NS-Konzentrationslagern.« Lecture / Mahn- und Gedenkstätte Düsseldorf. Düsseldorf 2010.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Methodological Remarks Concerning the Comparison between the Comfort Women System of the Japanese Army and Sexual Violence Carried out by Wehrmacht and SS in the Soviet Union.« Sexual Violence in World War II. Bonn 2010.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Questioning Normalities: Narratives on Sexual Violence perpetrated by German Soldiers during the War of Annihilation in the Soviet Union 1941-1945.« 11th Biennial Lessons and Legacies Conference. Boca Raton 2010.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Sexual Desire, Antisemitic Hatred and Male Control: Testimonies about Acts of Sexual Violence at the Eastern Front during WWII.« The Perpetration of Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones: Sources of Explanation. Hamburg 2010.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Sexual Violence by German Soldiers during the War of Annihilation in the Soviet Union, 1941-1945: Is it Comparable to Japan's Comfort Women System?« Lecture / Hiroshima Peace Institute. Hiroshima 2010.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Sexuelle Gewalt im Krieg und in NS-Konzentrationslagern: Formen, Funktionen, Begriffe.« Lecture / Gedenkstätte Ahlem. Hannover 2010.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Virilität, Manneszucht, Moral: Der Umgang mit sexuellen Zusammentreffen deutscher Soldaten an der Ostfront, 1941-1944.« Ideologie und Moral im Nationalsozialismus. Dresden 2010.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »'Das muss man verstehen ... Wir waren ja Männer unter uns.': Sexuelle Gewalttaten, Prostitution und einvernehmliche Verhältnisse deutscher Soldaten in der Sowjetunion, 1941-1945.« Lecture / Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Munich 2011.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Eroberungen: Sexuelle Gewalttaten, sexueller Tauschhandel und einvernehmliche Verhältnisse deutscher Soldaten in der Sowjetunion.« Vortragsreihe "Interdisziplinäre Gewaltforschung". Essen 2011.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Post-Conflict Mapping: Moments of Silencing/Addressing Perpetrators of Sexual Violence.« Perpetrators - Reactions and Responses. Coimbra 2011.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Sexual Violence in German Victimhood Discourse.« Victims of International Crimes. Marburg 2011.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »SSexuelle Gewalt in militärischen Konflikten: Täter, Täterinnen und Opfer.« Der Krieg der Schwestern: Die neue Menschlichkeit des Militärs? Hannover 2011.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Verboten, geduldet, gefördert? Sexuelle Gewalttaten, Prostitution und intime Beziehungen deutscher Soldaten während des Kriegs in der Sowjetunion, 1941-1944.« Lecture / Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. Freiburg 2011.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Von Tätern sprechen: Der Umgang mit sexueller Gewalt im Krieg am Beispiel deutscher Soldaten in der Sowjetunion, 1941-1945.« Kritikmaximierung. Hamburg 2011.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Against the Nazi Racial Laws? Sexual Violence by German Soldiers against Jewish Women during the War of Annihilation in the Soviet Union, 1941-1945.« Sexual Violence during the Holocaust. Worcester 2012.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »An allen Fronten: Der Umgang unterschiedlicher militärischer Akteure mit sexueller Gewalt im Zweiten Weltkrieg im Vergleich.« Lecture / Universität Zürich. Zurich 2012.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Female Agency and Gendered Presuppositions: Narratives of Female Jewish Survivors about successful Self-Defense against German Soldiers during the War of Annihilation.« Constellations & Dynamics of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict. Paris 2012.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »The Idea of an international, interdisciplinary Research Network.« Sexual Violence in Armed Conflicts: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Paris 2012.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Krieg und Geschlecht: Sexuelle Gewalttaten, Prostitution und einvernehmliche Verhältnisse deutscher Soldaten und einheimischer Frauen.« Vernichtungskrieg, Reaktionen, Erinnerung: Die deutsche Besatzungsherrschaft in der Sowjetunion 1941-1944. Berlin 2012.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Sexual Violence as 'Weapon of War'? Enforced Nakedness, Sexual Torture and Rape by German Soldiers during the War of Annihilation 1941-1945.« World War II, Nazi Crimes, and the Holocaust in the USSR. Moscow 2012.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina, et al. »Sexuelle Gewalt im Zweiten Weltkrieg: Die "comfort women" der japanischen Armee und die Wehrmachtsbordelle in Polen und der Sowjetunion.« Lecture. Berlin 2012.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »British WWII Veterans talk about Sexual Violence against Men: Some Remarks on Oral History Interviews conducted since the 1970s« Constellations and Dynamics of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict. Part II: Sources. Hamburg 2013.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Gendered Narratives / Gendered Silences: Sources on Sexual Violence during the War of Annihilation and the Holocaust.« Central and East European Women and the Second World War: Gendered Experiences in an Time of Extreme Violence. Kiev 2013.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Vergewaltigung: Anmerkungen zum Verständnis dieser Form von Gewalt in Geschichte und Gegenwart.« Lecture / Universität Hannover. Hannover 2013.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Sex and 'Total War': Sexuality and Sexual Violence in the Age of the World Wars.« Gender, War and Culture: From the Age of the World Wars to the Cold War, Anti-colonial Struggle to the Wars of Globalization (1910s-present). Chapel Hill 2014.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »"You know what Churchill said about the navy? Sex, buggery, drunkenness.": Oral History Interviews mit britischen Soldaten über sexuelle Gewalt im Zweiten Weltkrieg.« Lecture / Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Bochum 2014.

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[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Sexual Violence during the Holocaust.« Sexual Violence from the Holocaust to the Contemporary Security Agenda. Copenhagen 2015.

[Info] Mühlhäuser, Regina. »Sexual Violence by British Soldiers in WWII in Europe and Asia.« War and Sexual Violence. New York, 2016.

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